의정부개인회생 ( 남양주 동두천 양주 구리 고양 파주 일산 ) 파산



개인회생 수임료 저렴 , 변제액 잘 나오는곳 무료상담 [ 바로가기 ]

대표무료상담번호 tel:1877-1386





The National Hygiene and Health Commission, which is in charge of China's population policy, posted an answer to China's suggestion on its website yesterday (18th) that the National People's Congress, China's parliamentary assembly, should "solve the problem of population decline in the Northeast." The committee replied that it is "worth reference" to the proposal that the state lift all birth control first in the Northeast region. "We believe that research can be conducted according to the local situation regarding the lifting of birth control in the Northeast region, and based on the results, we will be able to present a pilot plan to ease birth control in the Northeast region."

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